I have learned a lot from the Danes and gained a new perspective on life. For starters, I am now a big fan of salty black licorice and think that it is totally fashionable to wear black from head to toe. On a more serious note, the Danes have taught me to learn to relax. Anyone who has met me knows that I am just a slight type A... In the past, my perfectionist habits have caused me an unnecessary amount of stress. Living in Denmark and just being abroad in general has made me way less anxious about my future. I no longer feel the need to plan everything. Instead, I am just excited for what the future holds for me. Seeing how people in all parts of the world live has given me the confidence that everything will work out and that is not realistic to plan every detail.
I have already had to say goodbye to Anne, Leah, Anna and Kara, which was quite difficult and I know my goodbye with the Larsens is going to be far from easy. However, it is comforting knowing that I will see them again. In fact, Emma has already talked about visiting over Thanksgiving! Although goodbyes are never easy, I am so excited to see Mike and my family and friends back in my beloved Minnesota. I have always known that I am somewhat of a homebody and this semester has been quite a challenge for me.
I remember Chelsea telling me that it was weird how quickly everything went back to normal when she returned from studying abroad, and that she felt as though nothing had changed. I must say, I am looking forward to that. I am actually dreading the question, "How was it?" because I don't think I will every find the worlds to fully articulate what I have experienced. I think that is how it's supposed to be though. This semester was for me. It was my time to be selfish and independent and just experience the world. Although I can talk about my experiences and the places that I have traveled, I know nobody will completely understand and I don't think they are supposed to.
It is had to believe that I embarked on this journey four months ago. Time has really flown by. I feel like it will take me a while to really process everything that I have managed to pack into this semester. It all still feels kind of like a dream. I am grateful for my parents for supporting me and making it possible for me to come to Denmark in the first place. I am also unbelievably thankful for the Larsens. They opened up their home and made me feel completely part of the family, which made it much easier to be away from loved ones back home. Copenhagen has definitely won me over and I have no doubt in my mind that I will be back to this wonderful little country in the future. Until then, I will have to just remember all of the amazing memories from these past four months. It truly has been the experience of a lifetime. Vi ses København!