Thursday, January 17, 2013

First Day of School

Today was the first official day of school. I didn't feel my normal night-before jitters that I usually get before the start of a new semester, which surprised me. I think it's probably because my jet lag is still lingering. I am happy to announce that, for the first time since my arrival, I was completely confident in my ability to use the metro and walk to DIS this morning. I think I have decided that I prefer taking the metro over the bus. There's a station that is about a 10 minute walk from my house that takes me within another 10 minute walk of DIS, so not bad at all. The only confusing thing about DIS is that it consists of random floors of seven different buildings that are almost all in little alleyways. Luckily, today I only had two classes to find--Neuropsychology of the Social Brain and Danish Language and Culture. I absolutely love my Danish professor and am really looking forward to that class. After class, I did a little shopping and then headed back to Amager (the island that I live on just outside of Copenhagen). I went for a long run around Amager Strandpark, which is the beach area that has many little parks and running/biking paths. It felt so nice to have some time alone to reflect and really take in my surroundings. I must say the view was much more scenic than what I get running around St. Peter :)

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