Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jeg vil gerne have

Tonight I went out to dinner with my Danish class. We went to the cutest restaurant located right next to the lakes (which are really more like rivers or very large ponds from Minnesota standards). It was the most hyggelig little cafe, filled with unique paintings and candles everywhere! I actually ordered in Danish! The waitress must have understood me because I got what I ordered (a delicious pesto chicken, tomato, mozzarella, avocado, cucumber and bacon sandwich). My professor made a point to tell me to really annunciate the "oooh" sound when saying chicken (kylling). Failing to do so results in the word "killing," which means kitten and I definitely did not want a kitten sandwich! My Danish professor is by far my favorite teacher at DIS. In today's class we talked about dinnertime in Danish homes. Everyone living with a host family (myself included) has experienced the sacred Danish dinnertime. Every meal is made almost entirely from scratch and you wait to eat until the entire family is present. In Danish culture, dinner is a very relaxed time and most Danes spend about 1.5 hours per day eating dinner together (not including preparation). Talking to other DIS students who aren't living with host families makes me really appreciate living with the Larsens. Dinnertime is something I look forward to everyday, and I am so thankful that I have such a lovely family to share it with!

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