Wednesday, February 20, 2013

No School!

"Technically" we don't have class on Wednesdays, but today was the first week that I didn't have a field study (or two). It felt so nice not to set my alarm and just wake up on my own time. I forced myself to be productive this morning so that I could have fun in the city later on. I did laundry, cleaned my room, went running and did homework all before 2pm! Pretty impressive, I know. This afternoon I met Anna, Annie and Leah near in the city center. First, we explored the glass market and splurged on some gelato (totally worth it). Then, we set out on a mission to find the sidewalk trampolines. We walked around Nyhavn for a while before actually finding them, which was absolutely fine by me. I could walk by that canal every day and still love seeing those colorful buildings. Anyways, we found the trampolines and worked off our gelato jumping around like crazy people. It was freezing but still a lot of fun. Annie and I walked to Amalienborg Palace before heading home because she had not see it yet. All in all, it was a very good afternoon. Tomorrow night I'm going to have dinner with Anne at her apartment in Frederiksberg, which should also be a lot of fun. Then Friday I leave for Prague with Claire and Leah!

THE sidewalk trampolines!  
Love me some gelato :)
Sorry if this is disturbing but I had to take a picture-- Glass Market

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