Monday, February 4, 2013

Oh Happy Day

My core course week got off to a great start today! We started the day by watching "Happy." The documentary was a collection of interviews of people all over the world talking about what happiness means to them. The interview that really stuck with me was with a cheerful 106-year-old Japanese woman who said that the "recipe for life" was sweat, sleep, sake and socializing. I think she has the right idea. In order to get the most out of life one must work hard, take care of their body, take time to relax and let loose, and spend meaningful time with friends and family. My positive psychology class has taught me to spend more time each day reflecting and counting my blessings. I have been journaling a lot lately, and have found it to be a great way to unwind each night and appreciate what I have. I don't think I will ever be able to put into words how thankful I am to my parents for making this semester possible. I know it's cliche but this truly has been (and will continue to be I'm sure) the experience of a lifetime.
We ended our day with a guest lecture from Alexander Kjaerulf, who travels the world leading workshops to improve happiness in the workplace. The goal of his company is to "create a world where happiness at work is the requirement and not the exception." I thought Alex was a fantastic speaker. I found the lecture to be applicable to my life because I will be starting my first "big girl job," working as a management development intern for Securian Financial when I return home in May. All in all, it was a very inspiring and happy day.

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